60 search results for « consent »
Contacts type
...manually from you account. Once deleted, they will remain visible in the "Contacts" menu > "Deleted" tab until the end of the current period. Contacts consent expiration The expiration of your contacts consent is determined by the source of consent and the date of consent indicated on your contact details. It is therefore important to enter the correct information when importing or updating your contacts. You can see contacts whose consent will soon expire or has already expired from...
How to delete contacts
...you delete a contact with an express consent to add it back later to your account, the official consent will not be "Express" by default, even if you obtained the consent proof in the past! The new consent in the contact details will be the one you assigned when subscribing the contact again. Important! The consent could revert back to implied even though the contact had already given Express consent in the past if the wrong consent is specified.
Import a contact list
...in a better or longer consent. For example, if he signed up via a double opt-in subscription form on your website, the subscriber already has an open-ended express consent. If you import him again as an active client (which is a 24-month implied consent), his consent will remain express and his consent source will still be Opt-in (subscription form). Although it is not mandatory to complete your contacts' consent information, we strongly recommend that you do so in order to take full...
Types of fields
In this article: Regular fields Consent fields Custom fields In the contact details section you’ll find regular fields, consent fields and custom fields. The only mandatory field is the email address. Use the different fields available to complete your subscriber’s profile. The information you enter may come from different sources: subscription forms, importing data through a CSV or Excel file, entering data manually, linking your CRM with your account through our API. By drawing...
Setup your account
...consents if you have defined a consent date and source in your contact profile. To learn how to update your contact's consent and learn more about the sources of consent available in the app, click here. The list of contacts with expired implied consents and consent expiring within the upcoming 30 days are available at any given time on your Dashboard. Under the "Number of contacts" box, you will find the number of expired consents and the number of consents expiring in less than a month....
How to re-subscribe an unsubscribed contact
...forms quickly by sharing their URLs with your clients. Once they have confirmed their subscription by clicking the link sent to their email, they will become subscribed again. The advantage of this method is that they'll have to confirm their consent, therefore granting you an "express" consent. Click here to learn more about our subscription forms If neither options are available... You can send us an email. To do so, click on the link "For Technical Support" at the bottom right of...
Create a single contact
...tools to their full potential and help you conform to CASL more easily. Choose the source of consent which represents more accurately the way you obtained your contact’s consent. Click here to get more information about the different sources of consent > Consent date: write down the date on which you obtained your contact’s consent. For example, the consent date for an active client would be the date of their last purchase. Consent proof: Write down a reminder of the consent proof...
The opt-in
...take. However, even if the registration is done via a simple opt-in form, they will need to go through the same steps as the double opt-in, meaning they must confirm their email address by clicking on the button received in the email. By confirming their email address, a new page will open to validate their subscription. This way, we ensure that it is indeed the owner of the unsubscribed address who has explicitly consented to the re-subscription. See also : Contact...
Test your template
...Send. Emails sent via this option are "tests," and so they will have "[test]" in the subject. Many email features won’t be active. For example, email personalization (replacing variables like the first name), unsubscribe links, and consent links won’t work. To test all features of your emails, it’s better to perform a real mailing to a group with test addresses (see our section on this topic by clicking here). It’s also very important not to share these tests or send emails to...
Connect Reservit to your Cyberimpact account
...7 a.m. New reservations, as well as modifications made to existing reservations within the last 24 hours, are imported into your Cyberimpact account. Consent for synchronized contacts When a client makes a reservation on Reservit, they implicitly consent to receive communications. A tacit consent is recorded with the source "API - Active Client ", valid for 24 months. However, if the contact already has express consent recorded by Cyberimpact (for example, a subscription via a form with...