Getting started with your templates
Getting started with your templates
Email accessibility
In this article: Accessibilité features in email templates Best practices for accessible emails Accessibility is essential to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can effectively…
About templates
In this article: What is a template? Creating a template Predrawn templates What is a template? A template is a generic email that can be used to quickly and easily create mailings. It contains examples…
Create a template with the drag-and-drop template editor
In this article : Build a template Remove, duplicate or move around existing blocks Add a block General properties of your email Edit a block Social Network tool bar Add a link to the online version of…
Smart Templates
Upload your logo and brand colours, and we will generate a series of branded templates you can customize to suit your needs.
HTML editor
In this article: Working with the HTML source code Problems with my mailing after editing HTML code Using a CSS style page in mailing layouts Need help? Working with the HTML source code The full HTML…
Edit, duplicate or delete a template
In this article: Edit a template Duplicate a template Delete a template Edit a template To modify a template, go to the Templates menu and find your template in the list. Click the three dots at the end…
Saving your template or draft
In this article: How to save a template or a draft Where is the autosave function available? How does the autosave works How to use the autosaved version of a template or draft How to save a template…
Test your template
In this article: What tools are available to you for testing the email? How to properly test your email? How to use theTest mailing tool? What tools are available to test your email? Before sending your…
Sending a template
Using a template to create a mailing In the ‘‘Mailings’’ menu click ‘‘New mailing’’ and select the template you wish to use from the list. Click on ‘‘View’’ if you wish to visualise the template or click…
Secure a template
In this article: Protecting templates Use a protected template Deleting a template Protecting templates Once you have saved a template, it will appear in the Templates section. Within the list of templates,…
Mobile-friendly templates
In this article : Which templates are compatible on mobile Technologies involved Mobile preview My phone doesn't show my email in it's mobile version! Which templates are compatible on mobile? Predrawn…
Customize a template
Customize a template
Calendar event block
This block enables your contacts to quickly add your events or an appointment to their calendar. It contains icons and links to automatically create events in the most popular calendars, such as Apple, Google and Yahoo Calendar, as well as various versions of Outlook.
Remove the Cyberimpact logo from its pages and mailings
To remove the Cyberimpact logo from your landing pages and mailings, you must have the Pro plan. You can remove the Cyberimpact logo by turning off the switch located in one of the three places below.…
Create a template with the drag-and-drop template editor
In this article : Build a template Remove, duplicate or move around existing blocks Add a block General properties of your email Edit a block Social Network tool bar Add a link to the online version of…
Editing blocks
In this article Edit basic block properties Edit image properties Edit text properties Edit a mixt block including image and text Copy, Paste, Undo and Redo styles Save a block Edit basic block properties…
Customize the colors of a template
In this article : Choose a background image for your email Personalize the background color of your template Personalize individually each blocks You will learn how to change the colors of a template. …
Add images in a template
In this article : Choose your images (Recommended format and size) Add an image in an image block in the premade or basic templates Add an image to a text block Add an image to a template created with…
Choose a font for your email
Learn how to change your email font. There are two types of fonts available in the email editor: standard fonts (web safe) and Google fonts.
Adding a link
In this article: Link types and statistics How to add a link on text How to change the target of a link How to change hyperlink styles How to add a link on an image How to add a phone hyperlink How to…
Add a button
In this article: Create a button Edit the appearance of your button Create a button Here is the process to create a button in a text zone in our editor, from our premade or basic templates. Click in the…
Attaching a document
In this article : Add a link to a document on text in a premade or basic template Add a link to a file in an image block in a premade or basice template Add a link to a file in a template created with…
Add spacing or dividers in a template
Find out how to add spacing or dividers in your email to create an airy design with well-defined sections!
Display your social networks in your template
In this article: What are the possible links to add to the social networks bar? Configure your social networks default links Displaying the social networks bar in the predesigned or standard templates…
Personalize your email footer
Learn how to change the style, appearance and content of the your mailings.
Creating a link to view a mailing on a browser
In this article: How to automatically add a link to view in browser at the top of your basic or predrawn template How to manually add a link to view in browser It's possible to add a link to the online…
How to add a text-only version to a template
In this article: Differences between the HTML and Text version of your email Should I send my email in HTML or text? Why? How to add a text version to your HTML emails Differences between the HTML and…
How to keep columns side-by-side on mobile
Use this option to keep the columns in a row side by side rather than one below the other on mobile.
How to add anchors to a template (table of contents)
In this article : How to add anchors to your template How to edit or delete your anchor Problems with anchors It is possible to create links to different parts of your newsletter. For exemple, when your…
Inserting a video inside an email
We are often asked, unfortunately, it is not possible to insert a video directly in an email. Email software do not support iframes nor the scripts required to read those file types. The most effective…
Countdown Timer block
Countdowns build anticipation or a sense of urgency in your reader. They are great for announcing events, new product launches or simply to build excitement for a promotion that expires in a limited time.
Consent blocks
In this article: In which templates can I add the consent block? How does it work? How to add a consent block to a template? Customizing the consent confirmation page URL In which templates can I add…
Create a micro survey and add it to your mailing
In this article: How do micro surveys work? Create a micro survey Add a micro survey to a template or draft How do micro surveys work? Each micro survey allows you to ask one question to your contacts.…
Personalize your mailings with your contacts' data
Learn how you can use your contacts' data to add personalized and dynamic content directly into your emails.
Add a RSS/ATOM feed to your template
In this article: What's the use of a RSS/ATOM feed? What do I need to use this block? How does it work? How to use the RSS/ATOM feed block? During my mailing, the content differs from the one generated…
Smart Templates
Upload your logo and brand colours, and we will generate a series of branded templates you can customize to suit your needs.
Welcome emails
In this article: What is a welcome email? Why sending a welcome email is important? Welcome email examples How to send welcome emails automatically What is a welcome email? A welcome email is a message…
How to send coupons
To easily send coupons, you can either: Use one of our predesigned templates, designed for this purpose and customize it as you wish. OR Add a coupon block to a predesigned or standard template.…
Create your consent template
In this article: How do consent templates work? Difference between consent templates and consent blocks How to create a consent template? Testing your consent template Problems with consent confirmation…
Customize the URL of the Consent Confirmation page
When a contact clicks on one of the consent confirmation links found in the blocks or consent templates, a default page is displayed in the browser to confirm the action it has just made : You can change…
About images
About images
How to prepare your images
In this article: Accepted formats for your images Maximum weight for your images Recommended resolution Size of your images Tips for images added in text blocks Tips for images inserted in the expert…
Add images in a template
In this article : Choose your images (Recommended format and size) Add an image in an image block in the premade or basic templates Add an image to a text block Add an image to a template created with…
Search and add images from the Image Library
In this article: Terms of use of the Pixabay Image Library How to use an image from the image library in my template? Where are the images that I have already used? How can I use two images together?…
Editing your images
Use our image editor to create stunning images that will catch your subscribers' attention.
Add text on an image
Adding text on an image can be useful if you wish to use a font that is not “web safe”. To add text to an image is the only way to ensure that your contacts will be able to see the font you chose. Did…
Animated GIFS
Animated GIFs allow you to capture the attention of your readers and increase their engagement, by adding a touch of interactivity to your email. Learn more about them in this article.
About background images
Up until recently, background images in emails with Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013 and Outlook.com caused a problem. Using a special technique we can now use background images again safely with these emails.…
Tips and tricks
Tips and tricks
Email accessibility
In this article: Accessibilité features in email templates Best practices for accessible emails Accessibility is essential to ensure that all users, including those with disabilities, can effectively…
Filter your templates with tags
Learn how to use tags to efficiently filter and categorize your email templates.
Test your template
In this article: What tools are available to you for testing the email? How to properly test your email? How to use theTest mailing tool? What tools are available to test your email? Before sending your…
Correct with Antidote
Check your spelling, avoid typos and correct various type of errors in your text with the help of Antidote, directly in the email editor.
Find your links for your different social networks
How to find the links of your social networks from: X (formerly Twitter) Pinterest Facebook Linkedin Youtube Instagram Vimeo Discord Twitch Spotify Apple Music TikTok Bluesky Here is how you will find…
How to keep columns side-by-side on mobile
Use this option to keep the columns in a row side by side rather than one below the other on mobile.
Why your email should not have only images
Why your email should not have only images: Images are slow to download They are not displayed by default They display poorly on mobile phones The receiving server may think it is spam Images are slow…
Automatically display the images in an email
It is unfortunately not possible to ensure that the images arriving in an email contact inbox are visible. It depends on the email software he use. The option to allow images to download is typically…
Convert an email to PDF
There is no function within the application that allows you to convert emails to PDF. However, it is possible to do this using external tools. Here’s how to do so: Send a complete mailing (warning:…
Publish your email on Facebook
In this article: How to publish your mailing on Facebook How to use a different image than those offered by Facebook Your mailings can be published on Facebook directly from your account. To do so:…
Customize the URL of the Consent Confirmation page
When a contact clicks on one of the consent confirmation links found in the blocks or consent templates, a default page is displayed in the browser to confirm the action it has just made : You can change…
Common issues
Common issues
Correct formatting problems on a text
Sometimes it can be difficult to apply the desired formatting to text. For example: If the text has been copied and pasted from an external software (i.e., Microsoft Word) If multiple styles have been…
I didn't receive my test! What should I do?
You just finished the final touch on the breathtaking visual for your email campaign with our application and it is finally ready for the crucial and final test: your inbox. You select the "Test mailing"…
Problems with Outlook and very long emails
Outlook 2007 and 2010 generate different problems with emails that are very long, regardless of their source code. Many are documented on the Internet, but few have clear solutions. For example: Some…
Problems with the confirm consent links
You tested your template and your confirm consent links are not working. Why? First, verify if your email is a test from the "test mailing" tool or if it is a "real mailing" To differentiate a "test mailing"…