60 search results for « consent »
Searching contacts
...hit Enter) To search for one or many contacts corresponding to specific criteria, click on the "Advanced search" link next to the search field. Sort contacts You can sort your contacts and search results by: Email, Name, Subscription date and consent date. Click here to know how to select the contacts of your search result to add them to a group. Search an unsubscribed, deleted or incorrect adress To search for an unsubscribed, deleted or incorrect adress, click on the "Contacts"...
Contact Details
...you can access his/her contact details. The contact details section contains a wealth of information about your subscribers. It includes, among other things, the data that you have entered in the regular and custom fields, details of their consent and other technical information such as their subscription date and the date on which they received their first email. You will also find a summary of their personal stats, the groups they belong to and a timeline containing important events...
Connect Libro to your Cyberimpact account
...of birth (if available) Phone number (custom text field) Number of visits (custom integer field) Number of cancellations (custom integer field) (nb) No show (custom integer field) Last reservation date (custom date field) Contact consent source: API - Mixed list, with consent date (expires 6 months after consent date) How to To connect your Libro account to Cyberimpact: Contact our support team to prepare your account to receive information from the Libro...
Connect Amilia to your Cyberimpact account
...of accounts and people archived in Amilia can be found in the "Archived Amilia customers" group, as well as in the "Amilia customers" group. Consent for synchronized contacts Our integration with Amilia also enables you to update your customers' consent. Contacts added or updated via the integration will get “API or Webhook - Active client” as the consent source. This is a 24-month implied consent. The date of consent will be either the date of creation of the activity registration or...
Receive an email notification when a contact subscribes to your form
...email after every new subscription. Click Save at the bottom of the page. Available information Here’s the information you will receive by email when a contact subscribes to your form: The contact's email address; Type of consent obtained: Express consent with double opt-in; Date and time of the opt-in; IP address of your contact at the time of the opt-in; *Last name; *First name; *Language; *Gender; *Date of Birth; *Postal code; * Custom fields 1 to 5; * Note...
Language behavior during a mailing
...in your list. Preferred language for contacts: The selected language in your contacts profile will help organize them and allow the system to interact in the right language when they click on the unsubscribe, send to a friend and confirm your consent links. You can also use this information to create distinct mailings depending on your contact's languages. For example, if one of your English-speaking contact receives an email in French and click on the Unsubscribe link in the footer of...
Send webhooks from a scenario to a third-party application
...date Update date Language Genre Country Company Date of birth Zip code Note List of groups Information from custom fields Consent type Source of consent Date of consent Consent expiration Proof of consent IP address of consent (if applicable) Number of mailings Number of opened mailings Number of clicked mailings Date of last mailing opened Average open...
Add or update contacts via Zapier (with opt-in)
...of opt-in subscription This technique has many advantages. It allows you to: Ensure that the email address is valid and that the subscription is accepted by its owner; Obtain a quality list; Have express consents and a solid proof of consent (automatically added in the contact's details); Be compliant with the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL); Protect your forms against malicious robots; Create a zap in 2 steps instead of 3; Update existing contact information*. *Opt-in...
Create an update profile form
...third party from accessing their data and modifying information by mistake. This is the only type of form that allows the subscriber to change their email address and where you can add an option so that your contacts with implied consent can give you their express consent. Without email verification Your subscribers will be able to access their form directly by clicking on the update profile link. They will not have to verify their email address first. This method allows faster access to...
Manage sender addresses
...stay the same, even if it's been deleted since then. You will need to cancel your scheduled mailings and create new ones in order to select a different sender address. Frequently asked question Could someone use my email address without my consent? How can I authenticate my emails? Should I make any changes to the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) of my domain name? Why is there an "on behalf of" mention in Outlook and "Via" in Gmail? Why free email services addresses are not...