60 search results for « consent »

  • Connect Mews to your Cyberimpact account

    ...or updated via the integration will obtain an "implied consent", with "Webhook - Active client" as the source (i.e. a 24-month consent), unless the contacts were already existing in your Cyberimpact account and had a better consent (e.g. an express consent via a consent link). The consent date is either the date the contact was created in Mews or the date they made the booking (if they are an existing Mews contact who has been updated). The proof of consent will be the Mews reservation number,...

  • Set up the different account addresses

    ...me of new subscribers, write down the address you want and click the Save button, situated at the bottom of the page, to save the changes. These emails are not required but we suggest you keep them in your archives. They can be used as proof of consent from your contact. If you don't want to receive them, leave the field blank. As the consent confirmation alert, this address is not shown to your contact. Keep in mind that the designated email could receive a lot of emails if you mass...

  • How to edit contacts

    ...two contacts are related. The old address will therefore need to be replaced by the new one. You'll need to manually delete or unsubscribe the old email address to remove it from your subscribers' list.  Always be sure to collect and keep proof of consent for the new address. Consent is link to the email address and not to the person. The consequences of changing a subscriber's email address When you change a subscriber's email, you automatically deactivate their previous email...

  • Why is there unusual activity on my links?

    ...of anomaly, your subscribers can add you to their secure address book. An additional confirmation step has been implemented to prevent unintentional changes to sensitive actions in the following processes: Unsubscribing (from private groups). Consent confirmation (link in consent templates or blocks). Subscription confirmation following double opt-in registration via a form. Responding to a micro survey. Validating a sender's address. This measure helps counter actions or clicks...

  • Prepare your contact list for import

    ...a maximum of 255 characters. Note Tex field. No characters limit. Consent date There are several supported date formats, but they must all follow the order: year-month-day. For more details, see the recommended date formats >  What is the consent date? This is the date on which you obtained consent from your contacts. For example, for an active client, this could be the date of their most recent purchase or the date their contract ended. Consent proof Text field. Insert a maximum...

  • Exporting contacts

    ...contact export file: Email; First name; Last name; Language; Gender; Company; Country; Postal code; Birthdate; Custom fields 1 to 5; Memo; Subscription date; Subscription time; Consent; Consent source; Proof of consent; IP Address*; Consent date; Consent time; Consent expiration; Number of mailings sent; Number of mailings opened; Average open rate; Number of clicks; Average click rate; Date of the first mailing received; Subject of the first mailing...

  • What is a scenario?

    ...scenario, the system will check if they have met the chosen criteria. The contact will then be sent in the direction that corresponds, and will then continue the journey through the scenario.   Here is the list of available conditions: Contact consent: To verify if a contact has given their express or implied consent. Has opened an email: Can only be used after the « send an email » action has been used. Has clicked on a link: Can only be used after the « send an email » action has been...

  • Building a scenario

    ...to the next step.   If you've finished setting up your scenario but you're not ready to activate it just yet, you can click the "Quit" button on the top right to exit the scenario builder.   Your scenario will then remain "Under construction". You'll need to come back to edit it once ready to activate it.   Save last minute changes, if need be. Video tutorials How to send automated mailings following a micro survey How to manage consents with automated marketing How to set up...

  • Advanced search of contacts

    ...on the chosen criterion, select appropriate conditions. Here are the criteria available for the advanced search: Group Email First name Last name Subscription date Last update Language Gender Country Company Consent Consent source Consent date Consent expiration Consent proof Birthdate Postal code Note Custom Fields( 1 to 5) Mailings sent Mailings opened Clicked mailings Average open rate Average click rate To add an other search criterion, simply click on " Add...

  • Customize your update profile form

    ...Content tab. Under the Fields section, drag and drop the Consent/Unsubscribe option directly to the desired location in your form. In the Setting up your options window, select which option(s) you want to add and press OK to confirm. About the consent option: To allow your subscribers to confirm their express consent, you must use a form with email address verification. Learn more > If you add the consent option to your form, it will only be visible to contacts who have implied...