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Consent blocks

You can now add a consent block to any of our predesigned or standard templates. Including a consent block in your email communications will help you conform to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).

How does it work?

Consent blocks contain a confirmation hyperlink. When someone clicks on this link, they confirm their express consent to receive your communications. A message will appear on their screen confirming their subscription and they will receive an email confirmation. The consent status of your contacts in your account will then change from implied to express. All the information linked to their consent will be kept in our system.

You can easily find contacts who have expressly confirmed their consent using the link in the consent block by filtering them via the advanced contact search. Learn how

What is the difference between consent blocks and consent templates?  

When you mail a consent template, all the email addresses included in the selected group(s) during the mailing will receive your consent requests.
When you add a consent block in a template, during the mailing, only email addresses who have not yet expressly consented to receive your communications will see this block. The block will not appear for those who have already given their express consent, and they will still be able to read the rest of your email. It is therefore important to not put this block in the mailing by itself, some people could see a mailing that is almost empty. 

How to add consent blocks

  1. To add a consent block, you can open an existing template from the "Templates" section  or start from a new template by choosing the "Templates" menu, "New template". 

    Note: Consent blocks are only available in predrawn templates or regular templates. They are not offered in expert mode. 

  2. Then, click on the Add block section from the right-side panel. In the category menu dropdown, select "Consent blocks".
  3. You can choose between the French consent block "Demande de consentement LCAP" or the English version "Consent Request CASL".

  4. Drag and drop the block by dragging it to the desired area in your mailing.
  5. While drafting your template, you can edit the text in the block. The most important thing to remember is to KEEP AND NOT EDIT the hyperlinks, since those links enable the consent process to work properly. You will find __CLIENT_NAME__ in the text of the link. You don't have to edit the text, because it is a placeholder that will be modified by the name of your company at the moment of mailing.
  6. Finally, save your template.

Tip: Before you send the request to your contacts, we recommend that you test your mailings before you send them. To test your links, you will have to send a complete mailing, because links do not work on a test mailing. To do so, you can send your consent templates to a test group where you can add your email address and maybe your colleagues' email addresses as well.  
