91 search results for « templates »
Customize the URL of the Consent Confirmation page
When a contact clicks on one of the consent confirmation links found in the blocks or consent templates, a default page is displayed in the browser to confirm the action it has just made : You can change this default page and instead direct your contact to a personalized page on your website. (Ex .: http://www.yoursiteweb.com/thankyouforyourconsent.html). Note: Even if you use a page from your website rather than our default page to confirm your contact's consent, the consent confirmation...
Creating a link to view a mailing on a browser
...to include this type of link in your mailings and we strongly recommend you do so in each email sent with our system. How to automatically add a link to view in browser at the top of your basic or predrawn template In our predrawn and basic templates you can add by a simple click a link to view your email in a browser. This link will be added at the top of your email, outside the body or your email and can't be moved. If you'd rather offer this link elsewhere in your email, it's also...
Building a scenario
...example, send out a welcome email with a promo code to the new subscriber. Enter the necessary information pertaining to the action/condition chosen. The "Send an email", for example, action requires to select a template from the existing templates in your account (you'll see a list of your templates) or to create one specifically for this scenario (you'll see our predrawn templates). Once your template has been chosen, you'll have to set up the mailing settings (subject, preview...
How to keep columns side-by-side on mobile
Did you know that our predrawn and smart templates, as well as all templates built with our drag-and-drop editor, are compatible with most mobile devices? In fact, our templates and their blocks are designed to be automatically responsive on this type of platform. By default, rows that have more than one column will transform on mobile so that each of them is displayed one below the other, like this: Desktop preview Mobile preview in responsive mode Since a phone's screen is much smaller...
Hosted forms
...the help of a button, a text link or a menu item, or share them on social networks. Forms ready to use: To create a hosted form, you can start from a blank form or a ready-to-use form template. Like our predrawned email templates, our subscription forms templates are professionally designed and save you valuable time. You can use them as they are or adapt them to your needs. Get inspired! Learn more > How to use the link generated by a hosted form You can find...
Compatibility of the application
In this article: Compatibility of the templates My software is not in the list! We strongly recommend you use one of the following browsers to create your mailings: Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Compatibility of the templates Templates created with the standard template builder and predesigned templates were tested with the following email software: Mobile platforms: iPhone 5+ iPad (+ mini, Retina and Pro) Android 4.0+ Software: Apple Mail Outlook...
Create a micro survey and add it to your mailing
...more about the differents micro survey status and how to edit them. Add a micro survey to a template or draft Open an existing template, new template or draft in the simplified editor. Micro surveys can only be used in predrawn or basic templates. They are not compatible with our HTML mode. To add your micro survey, open the Add block tab in the side panel on the right. In the drop-down list, select Micro surveys. Choose a block from the various layout available and...
Choose a font for your email
In this article: Types of fonts Choose a default font for your template Change the font of your texts and titles Types of fonts Two types of fonts are available in the email editor: standard fonts (web safe) and Google fonts. What are standard fonts? Standard fonts, also called web safe fonts, are popular fonts that are installed on most devices and operating systems. Since there are a multitude of platforms (desktops, tablets, mobile devices...), email clients (Outlook, Gmail,...
Delete a custom field
...no longer exists, it will simply be replaced by a space in your message. While not dramatic, it would be a shame if important information was missing from your email.Therefore, we suggest removing the variables from the deleted fields from your templates before sending them. A template (as well as a draft, scheduled campaign or scenario) with a variable from a deleted custom field in its content will have a warning icon to the right of its name. When you open your template in edit mode, a...
Send a micro survey
To send a micro survey to your subscribers, you only need to create a mailing from a template or draft that contains a micro survey. To learn how to plan a mailing, click here. To learn how to add the micro survey block in a template or draft, click here.