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Create your consent template

To create your consent template, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Open the  "Templates" menu and choose one of the proposed templates under "Consent templates". 
  2. Select the template that you wish to send by clicking on the "Select" button. The templates are available in English or in French. 
  3. Click on the "Select" button of the desired template. While drafting your template, you can edit the entire text and add your logo. The most important thing to do is to KEEP AND NOT EDIT the hyperlinks, because these links allow the consent procedure to work. You will find __ CLIENT _ NAME__ in the text of the link. You do not have to edit this text, because this is a placeholder that will be modified by the name of your company at the time of mailing. 

    NOTE: All consent templates are optimized to be mobile-friendly

  4. Save your template, give it a title and confirm the action by clicking on "Save". Your consent template can now be found in you template list in the "Templates" section.
  5. Tip: Before you send the request to your contacts, we recommend that you test your mailings. To test your links, you will have to send a complete mailing, because links do not work on a test mailing. To do so, you can send your consent templates to a test group where you can add your email address and maybe your colleagues' email addresses as well. 

    Do you know that it is also possible to add a consent block in regular mailings? 

    When you send a consent template, all the email addresses included in the group(s) selected during the mailing will receive your consent request. 

    When you add a consent block to a template, during the mailing, only the email addresses that do not have express consent yet, will see this block. The consent block will not appear to those who have already given their express consent, but they will be able to read the other sections of your email. This is yet another excellent tool which allows you to get a great number of express consents while remaining compliant to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).  

    Click here to know how to add this block to your regular mailings.
