41 search results for « scénario »
Editing a scenario
...the start and/or end date scheduled for a scenario. How to edit a scenario with a "Under construction" status Go to the "Marketing automation" menu. Click the action menu on the right of the scenario. Select the "Edit" option. Only scenarios with a "Under construction" status have that option. Make the necessary modification. Click on "Save my scenario". If your scenario is complete and ready to start, you'll need to activate it. Click here to learn how. If...
Activate a scenario
...on the edition of an active scenario. Confirm your scenario activation by clicking the "Activate scenario" button. Click on "Quit" on the top right of your screen to exit your scenario. What happens to contacts who met the scenario trigger before my scenario was activated? The actions and conditions of a scenario will only apply to contacts who trigger them after its activation. For example...let's say you choose "opened a mailing" as your trigger,...
Building a scenario
In this article: What is the difference between a scenario template and my own scenario? Build a scenario from a template Build your own scenario Video tutorials What is the difference between a scenario template and my own scenario? Our scenario templates are prebuilt scenarios with preset actions based on various triggers. All you need to do is complete the designated steps. Many marketing strategies are suggested. You could, for example, use the "Birthday" scenario to send...
Archive a scenario
...with that scenario will stop. However, it is still possible to see the statistics for that scenario. If you wish to re-activate the scenario,you will need to duplicate it and then activate the copy. Click here to learn how to re-use an archived scenario. To archive a scenario: Go to Marketing automation. Click on the 3 dots on the right-hand side of the scenario and select "Archive". Click "Yes" to confirm. Please note: contrary to when putting a scenario on hold,...
View scenario statistics
...a scenario How to see the list of contacts who have been through each step of the scenario; and how many times they have journeyed through the scenario Go to Marketing automation. Click on the Scenarios tab to view the statistics of your scenarios (active or on hold). Click on the Archived scenarios tab to view the statistics for archived scenarios. Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the scenario to open the "actions" menu and select "Statistics". Once you...
Reactivate an archived scenario
...on three dots on the right-hand side of the scenario you’d like to reactivate and select "Duplicate". Edit the title of the scenario, if desired. Click "Ok". The copy of the archived scenario will be added to your list of scenarios. You will continue to work with this copy. Find the copy of the original scenario in your list of scenarios. Click on the three dots at the right-hand side of the scenario in question and select "Edit". If necessary,...
What is a scenario?
In this article: What is a scenario ? What is a trigger ? Actions and conditions of a scenario How much is the marketing automation option ? What is a scenario? A scenario is an automated route that starts with a trigger (for example, someone subscribes to an email list through a form, someone opens an email, someone is added to a certain group, someone's implied consent is about to expire…). The contacts which will pass through this triggering event will then progress in...
Duplicate a scenario
Go to the Marketing automation menu. Click on the three dots on the right-hand side of the scenario you wish to duplicate. Select "Duplicate" from the drop-down. Edit the title if you chose to. Click "Ok" to confirm. The duplicated (copy of) scenario will be added to your list of scenarios. See also : How to edit a scenario How to activate a scenario
Create an automated segmentation scenario
...nothing more to do! Your emails will be sent automatically every time a new subscriber meets the specified criteria. The system checks every three hours to see if a contact meets the segmentation criteria. Examples of automated segmentation scenarios You could use this trigger to: Invite your top customers to join a VIP club For example, if you have created a custom field to save each customer's total amount of purchases and total number of purchases, the trigger criteria could...
Put an active scenario on hold, and reactivate a scenario that’s on hold
In this article: Put an active scenario on hold Reactivate a scenario that’s on hold Put an active scenario on hold (on hold) Go to Marketing automation and click the switch at the right-hand side of the scenario to put it on hold. Click "Yes" to confirm. By putting a scenario on hold, the trigger will no longer be active, and no new contacts will be able to enter into the scenario. The contacts who are already going through the scenario will...