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About the "Promotions" and "Social Media" tabs in Gmail

There is no known way to ensure your email will be delivered directly in the main inbox of your customer, especially since the "Promotions" and "Social Media" tabs made their debut in Gmail. Google uses complex algorythms constantly changing to determine in which tab your message will be delivered. Emails from mass mailing applications such as ours often end up in the "Promotions" tab.

Don't be afraid, it is not necessarily bad news! According to a studty by Return path who sureveyed nearly 3 million Gmail users, the arrival of the tabs has little to no impact on the opening statistics of your emails. Indeed, the research notes a better delivery rate since promotionnal emails are recognized as such instead of being classified as spam! Furthermore, it was also demonstrated that there were less complains about unwanted emails.

It is interesting to also note, still according to the same study, "Move me!" campaigns had only a small success and that most of the users actually appreciated the tabs. We recommend you don't use that type of content but rather guide your members who would like to receive your message in their inbox if need be.

Here are a few tricks that could proove usefull if your members complain they are receiving your email in their "Promotions" tab.

