Special hours on April 4th, 2025: Our Customer Success Team will be out of the office on April 4th, between noon and 6 PM (EDT). During our absence, don't hesitate to leave us your questions via the chat bubble or consult our FAQs.

Publish / unpublish your pages

You've finished your page and are ready to share it on the web or with your subscribers? This article will guide you through the simple steps involved in publishing your landing page, so that it can be accessed online. In addition, you'll learn how to unpublish a page if you wish to remove it temporarily or permanently.

Publish or unpublish your page from the page list

Before you start

Before publishing your page, make sure you have: 

Publish your page

To publish your page, activate the switch located in the list of your pages (via the Landing page menu)  or at the top of the editor.

If you activate publication via the editor, you'll need to save your changes, then confirm to complete the operation.

publish your page from the editor


Dépublier sa page

To unpublish your page, deactivate the switch located in the list of your pages or at the top of the editor. 

Confirm the change if necessary.

Unpublish your page from the editor


