Customize your pop-up display options

You have several options for customizing the display of your form: its position on the page, its animation when opened, its frequency and its display time.

Position in the page

You have three possible choices: centered, bottom right, bottom left.

Position of the form in the page

Differences between centered and bottom positions

When you choose the centered position, an overlay (darkened background) will be added to the page around your form. This graphic element helps focus your visitor's attention on your form and reduce distractions. If your visitor clicks outside the form, it will close the pop-up. You can customize the color of the overlay.

If you choose to position it at the bottom right or left of the page, you'll be able to add a form that's a little more discreet. There will be no overlay on the page, but the form will continue to be displayed until the visitor closes it with the X, even if he clicks outside the form. The visitor can therefore continue to navigate the page without closing the form. Note that the maximum height for forms with this positioning is 50% of the screen. If the form is higher than 50% of the screen, it will have a scroll bar inside.

Form position on mobile

On mobile, pop-up forms will always be displayed at 100% of the screen, regardless of the choice made for their position. If there was a side image accompanying the form, it will be hidden on mobile.

Opening animation

Choose between none (no animation) or fade.

Display timing and frequency

Display timing

You can choose to have the form displayed when the page is opened, according to a delay that you determine. Enter "0" for immediate display. The maximum delay is 300 seconds after page opening.

Or you can have the form displayed on exit-intent. On desktop, this is when the user moves to the X with his mouse to close the tab. On mobile, it's when the user scrolls to the top of the page.

Display frequency

Select the time interval before the form is shown again to the same user.

You can choose a delay in days, weeks or months (you must enter a number between 1 and 999). If you select Always, your form will appear every time a user opens your site in a new tab.

See also:
