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Zapier and how it works

What is Zapier ?

Zapier is a tool that allows you to easily connect Cyberimpact with other platforms that you use every day, for example: a CRM, an online accounting software, a form tool, etc. The connector we developed at Zapier allows you to synchronize your contacts in these applications with your Cyberimpact account, without programming.

Here are some examples of popular platforms that can be integrated with Zapier: Shopify, Salesforce, Zoho, Gmail, Facebook, WordPress... See the complete list of compatible applications >

What you should know before using Zapier

  • Before starting, it's important to know that Zapier is an external platform to Cyberimpact and that its use may be subject to a fee. 
  • Zapier doesn't require advanced programming knowledge, but you still need to be fairly comfortable using web platforms. For technical questions about Zapier, we invite you to consult their frequently asked questions.
  • You can connect your Cyberimpact account with any application as long as it is also compatible with Zapier. Before you start, look for the application you wish to integrate with your Cyberimpact account in the complete list of Zapier-compatible platforms to make sure it's supported.
  • To connect your Zapier account to your Cyberimpact account, you will need an API token. Here's how to get the API token >

How Zapier works

To use Zapier, you must first create a Zap. A Zap is a way to automate actions in a platform from a trigger from another application you use.

The trigger can be an event from your Cyberimpact account. For example, when a new subscriber joins a group in your Cyberimpact account, you could program to add this contact automatically to your CRM.

Here are the events in Cyberimpact that can be used as a trigger to perform automated actions in another platform:
  • Creating a new group
  • Creating a new contact
  • Adding a contact to a group

The trigger for your Zap can also come from an event in another platform than Cyberimpact. From this event, you could automate actions in your Cyberimpact account. For example, when a new customer is created in your Shopify account, you could add it to a group in your Cyberimpact account.

Here are the actions that are possible to automate in your Cyberimpact account with Zapier from events coming from an external platform:
  • Creating a new group
  • Creating a new contact
  • Adding a contact to a group
  • Send an opt-in request (subscription request)

In a ZAP, it's also possible to:

  • Search for an existing contact in Cyberimpact
  • Search for an email address and create a contact if it doesn't exist in your account

See also :
