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Iframe forms

These forms can be integrated on an existing page of your website, with a few lines of html code. Before you start, make sure to know the dimensions in pixels (width and height) of the area you’d like the form to go.

Forms ready to use:

To create an iFrame form, you can start from a blank form or a ready-to-use form template. Like our predrawned email templates, our subscription forms templates are professionally designed and save you valuable time. You can use them as they are or adapt them to your needs. Get inspired! Learn more >

How to integrate the code of an iframe form

You can find the link of your form in the forms menu. To access it, click the form icon located on the left side bar or click the Forms tab at the top of your screen.

Then click the three dots ... icon located at the right of your iframe form. Click Get Code.

If you choose to access it through the form editor, click the Get code button located in the top right corner.

Copy the code. You must have access to the html code of your website to paste the iframe code in the desired location.

Adjust iframe size

An iframe is an area with defined dimensions. If, for example, you want to insert your form in the footer of your website and the available space is 450 pixels wide by 250 pixels high, use these dimensions. The size of your form can be modified in the form editor. That way, your preview will reflect the right size, and the code provided will have the appropriate dimensions.

How do I avoid the scroll bars in my iframe?

When your iframe is too small for the content, scroll bars appear. You can avoid this by modifying your form to make it smaller or by increasing the size of the iframe. Please note: if the spot you chose to integrate your form has very limited space, it may be better to choose another display area.

My iframe is not displayed properly on mobile ...
You may need to adjust your site's css code to properly display iframe on mobile. Here is a technique that generally works well:

1. When pasting the iframe in the html code of your website, add a (div) container around the code like this:

<div class="responsive-form">
 <iframe src="" width="450" height="250"
 frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="auto">

2. In your css file, add the following lines:

@media (max-width: 600px) {
 .responsive-form {
 position: relative;
 overflow: hidden;
 padding-top: 55.556%;
 .responsive-form iframe {
 position: absolute;
 top: 0; left: 0;
 width: 100%; height: 100%;

Warning ! You will need to adjust the value indicated in ‘padding-top’. This will control the height of the display area of your form.

If you want to keep the full screen aspect ratio when the form is minimized, use the following calculation: 100% / (width / height). For the example above: 100% / (450/250) = 55.556%.

You may need to make adjustments: check the display on a real phone if possible or by minimizing your browser window for a quick preview.

Use custom confirmation pages

When a person fills out an iframe form, the confirmation message replaces the form. A customized message will likely look better than the default one provided. Learn more about confirmation pages>

